Whitsun Bird activity
Our PK Challenge to celebrate Whitsun is to create some beautiful paper birds. These include a Whitsun white dove, and birds that are often seen in Porthcurno – the red robin and the blue tit.

What is Whitsun?
Whit Sunday is the seventh after Easter, recalling the manifestation of the Holy Spirit to the Apostles. By tradition the appearance of the white dove at Pentecost lends itself to the theme of a ‘white’ Sunday as did the white gowns worn. In
northern Europe the connotation is also a natural one, with the blooming of white May, Hawthorn and Lilac at this time. For children this can be a time to celebrate these blossoms.
Watch our Arts Learning Facilitator, Alice, make the paper birds
Download the instructions to create your own Whitsun birds!
As always, we would love to see your efforts – feel free to share on our social media channels.
We hope to see you in real life soon – keep an eye on our social media and website!
#PKPorthcurno #PKwhitsunbirds #PlayfulMuseums