Morse Code in Cornish STEAM activity

Morse Code in Cornish STEAM activity

Our STEAM activity for June celebrates Speak Cornish Week. We had hoped to run this activity on Mazey Day, as part of the Golowan festival, but unfortunately a number of events were cancelled due to the current pandemic, so we have converted it to an online activity – enjoy!

How is this activity related to PK Porthcurno?

Morse Code was the standard code for sending messages on the Telegraph. It was adapted sometimes, so when you visit PK you may hear us talking about Cable Code, but it’s really the same thing.

Did you know?

Morse Code is a binary code. This means it is made up of two symbols. Although it is named after Samuel Morse, it was invented by Samuel Morse, Alfred Vail and Joseph Henry. The symbols in Morse Code are dots and dashes. It uses combinations of dots and dashes to represent letters of the alphabet, numbers and some punctuation.

It is a very useful code, as it can be produced in many ways – for example sounds, flashes of light or pulses of electricity.

Download a fun Cornish Morse Code challenge!

As always, we would love to see your efforts – feel free to share on our social media channels.

We hope to see you in real life soon – keep an eye on our social media and website!

#PKPorthcurno #SteamExplorers #PlayfulMuseums #speakcornishweek

Morse Code in Cornish STEAM activity
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